Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Back in action

wow...its been a long time since I posted...

Let's bring this up to speed in short order. I'm back from my year abroad in sunny Glasgow and loved every minute. I back in Canada and now working as a supply teacher. Its nice to be putting my education to use, but it is difficult to find a full time position. I tutor some students at one local school in some math, I volunteer at a second, and will work anywhere that will call me. Here's to hoping that I can land more work in 2008!!

I also am back in the swing of things as a referee. Hockey hasn't changed a bit depite being away for the last year. The players and faces have all changed, but it is still full of ridiculousness and people who take hockey way too seriously...but it does help to pay the bills...and rumour has it I'm pretty good...so I find myself pretty busy.

I hope everyone has had a nice holiday season and is getting back into the swing as well. I'll try to keep this more up to date, because you just never know who might be interested in keeping up with busy live.

Take care,



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