Sunday, March 07, 2010

The Mongoose is hard at work!!

The hockey season keeps on trucking...playoffs abound...and I'm in the midde of it.

However, I have another issue on my mind and not hockey...because there IS life after hockey. My girfriend and I have been together an astounding 6 years! Good heavens! We have survived long distance reationships, countless "changes in the plan", and have even purchased a home together. What's the next step? Well, isn't it obvious? You guessed it, we're getting married. I'm very excited about the idea of marrying this fantastic girl...but the process of getting married is far larger than I had ever imagined.

This weekend we went to Ottawa Wedding Katie went first...and I followed a couple of hours later (so she could look at the dresses!) and browsed around. I was astounded at just how expesive EVERYTHING was! Maybe I'm naive...but good LORD...photographers, wedding cake, even the invitations cost a small fortune! There's checklists, options, budgeting, avaiability, and hidden costs with every detail. Now folks, this may come as a surprise to you all, but I don't like it when things are unneccessarily difficult...I ike simple things...heck...I'm a guy...but this process is going to drive me crazy. We'll see if I can make it to the wedding date! Hopefully.

In other news, one of my classes performed their play on Friday...the others go on Tuesday I'm crossing my fingers and hoping everything goes smoothly.

I'm going to head somewhere needs the help of the I will done my secret identity and hit the rinks!! To the Mongoose Mobile!


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