Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It's been one of those times when I've decided to renew my interest in blogging.  Hockey has wrapped up, mostly because I've got a bad knee and skating is difficult...running is out of the question and I am left wondering what I am to do with myself. 

Well...I've turned back to a hobby I had when I was at high school, and as dorkie as it seems, I'm enjoying it immensely.  I'm speaking of course of playing Magic: the Gathering.  At this stage of my life this seems very odd, but hugely enjoyable, mostly because it gives me another outlet to think and plan, and scheme.  Some of my old friends from my previous playing days have crawled back out of the woodwork, and I've connected with a few new people as well, making for a very enjoyable mix of old and new.  I'll keep you guys posted on how this shapes up in the next little while and where this new adventure leads me.

Thanks for reading.


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